ASP.NET Web Pages

ASP.NET Web Pages:

ASP.NET Web Pages (now in version 2) is a framework for building web applications in which pages use the Razor syntax.

ASP.NET Razor uses a simple programming syntax that lets you embed server-based code into a web page. Razor pages use the extension .cshtml or  .vbhtml depending on the language of choice (C# or VB.NET). Because the code is embedded in the web page, the idea of a code-behind file doesn’t exist in Razor. The content in Razor pages is created
with HTML, and there are no web server controls such as <asp:Button />.

You can use Visual Studio to create ASP.NET Web Pages, but the main tool to use is Microsoft WebMatrix 2.

With WebMatrix 2, you have access to web helpers , which let your applications use common services such as Twitter,reCAPTCHA, Gravatars, Bing Maps, and more. Also, your applications can be extended using packages from the NuGet Gallery. You use NuGet’s graphic interface or command line window to request the packages you want and
then they will be downloaded, installed, and configured in your application automatically.
WebMatrix 2 also includes SQL Server Compact Edition (SQL CE), a lightweight, free, embedded database solution. 

You can create, edit, and delete database schema and data directly within WebMatrix. You can run web applications in WebMatrix using IIS Express, which is included when you install it; that way, you don’t have to worry about configuring a full-blown IIS just to test your application.

Support for Windows Azure is also baked into WebMatrix 2. You can publish your application directly to Windows Azure, but what’s really nice is that you can open your application directly from Windows Azure and make changes to it.

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