Some New features introduced in ASP.NET Core

Here are some new features introduced in ASP.NET Core:

Microsoft has made important changes with ASP.NET Core. Now, it is open source and available on This Blog[programming tutorial place] . On programming tutorial place, you can find everything about ASP.NET code and download it if you need.

ASP.NET Core can run on any platform like Windows, Mac, or Linux. It means, if you create the ASP.NET Core application then it will run on any of these platforms without any issue. Earlier ASP.NET applications were not able to run on Linux and Mac operating system. But 

ASP.NET 5 application supports a cross platform run-time, so you can easily run the application on Mac and Linux.

ASP.NET Core has two frameworks, the first one is same as earlier .NET Framework and second one is .NET Core. DNX Core is a very light weight and open source framework which also run on Mac and Linux.

ASP.NET Core has one more command line tool manager and it is called DNVM. DNVM [Dot-Net Version Manager] allows you to install or upgrade the DNX Version.

ASP.NET Core is faster in development and deployment because it works on a file system. So, when you make some changes in the code, in the background internally the compilation processes are going on and also update the running application. So, there is no need to make the browser refresh.

Earlier when we make build for application all dlls goes into the bin directory which is available inside the project. But now Bin directory has been placed inside the Artifact folder which is new with ASP.NET 5.

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