C#- SQL Parameter how to use in asp.net
What is the SQL Parameter how to use:-
- Refer a parameter to a SqlCommand and optionally its mapping to Dataset.
- SqlParameter names are not case sensitive.
- SqlParamenter is a class we initialize a new instance of SqlParameter class.
- SqlParamenter is part of the System.Data.SqlClient namespace.
- SqlParamenter provides an easy and fast way to parameterize queries.
This class Provide
many type of constructors, we can use many constructors as like :–
- SqlParameter():initialize a new instance of SqlParameter class.
- SqlParameter(String, SqlDbType): constructor require parameter name and data type.
- SqlParameter(String, Object): constructor require parameter name and a value of the new SqlParameter.
- SqlParameter(String, SqlDbType, Int32): constructor require parameter name, SqlDbType and size..
- SqlParameter(String, SqlDbType, Int32, String): require parameter name , SqlDbType, size and the source column name.
SqlParameter class provides many useful properties such as:-
- CompareInfo,
- DbType,
- Direction,
- IsNullable,
- Offset,
- ParameterName:- property get or set the SqlParameter name
- Precision, Scale, Size,
- SourceColumn,
- SqlDbType: get or set the SqlDbType (SQL Server specific data type) for the parameter. Enumeration values are Binary, Bit, BigInt, Char, DateTime, Date, Decimal, Float, Image, Int, Real, Text, Time, Timestamp, Money etc.
- SqlValue,
- TypeName,
- Value etc.
nice post...give example also