What is the difference between WCF and ASMX Web Services?

Difference between WCF and ASMX Web Services:

Basic difference between is ASMX or ASP.NET  web service is designed to send and receive messages using SOAP over HTTP Protocol only. 

In the other hand WCF can exchange messages using any format with many protocols.

ASMX web Service:

  • ASMX is refer Web Service that implements a contract that defines a request-reply communication pattern.
  • Can be hosted in IIS only.
  • Support for HTTP only.
  • Limited Security.
  • Uses XmlSerialize.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF):

  • Multiple Hosting Option as IIS, WAS, Console, WinNT Service.
  • Support for HTTP, TCP, MSMQ  NamedPipes.
  • A Consistent Security Programming Model.
  • Uses DataContractSerialize

difference between WCF and ASMX Web Services?

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