Audi has a plan to keep you healthy driving

Audi has a plan to keep you healthy driving:

Here we give the most popular and interactive invention in the field of computer, science, Math etc.

“Skill or ingenuity in contriving anything new. Invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process.

Thing is already exist and anyone work on them and reveal it called discovery and when a thing actually not exist and anyone create or make them called invention. The invention process is a process within an overall engineering and product development process. “

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keep you healthy driving:

Fit Driver can apparently even analyze current traffic flow and keep those measurements in mind once suggesting you direct for a spell at the closest lay-by. You know, rather than you agitated lazily in a very traffic jam. Not advanced enough? Audi says that within the future, the system may even initiate a "piloted emergency stop" associate degrees place an emergency decision in extreme cases.

All of this sounds pretty cool, however the unsatisfying footnote here is that the corporate says it solely applies to German models of its rides. Given however huge the corporate has gone on electrical and autonomous vehicles, maybe this creating its approach outside of Deutschland is not all that so much fetched.
