Object Pooling in .NET and how to use Object Pool

How do you do object pooling in .NET:

The MTS Glossary was defines Pooling is "A performance optimization based on using collections of pre-allocated resources, such as objects or database connections."

Why the object pooling in asp.net:

In software development, we often face problems while our application is under high stress. Most of the problem is due to issues in memory management. So developers should take some extra care so that an application will be optimized and follows proper memory management principles.

What is the Asp.net object pooling mean?

The Object Pool is nothing it is a simple container of objects that are ready for use. Whenever there is a request for a new object, the pool manager will take the request and it will be served by allocating an object from the pool.

Asp.net Object Pooling Example by C#:

using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace ObjectPooling
    class Factory
        // Maximum objects allowed!
        private static int PoolMax_Size = 2;

        // My Collection Pool
        private static readonly Queue objPool = new Queue(PoolMax_Size);  

        public Employee GetEmployee()
            Employee objEmployee;

            // here check from the collection pool. If exists return object else create new
            if (Employee.Counter >= PoolMax_Size && objPool.Count>0)
                // Retrieve thr object from pool
                objEmployee = RetrieveFromPool();
                objEmployee = GetNewEmployee();
            return objEmployee;

        private Employee GetNewEmployee()
            // creates a new employee
            Employee objEmp = new Employee();
            return objEmp;
        protected Employee RetrieveFromPool()
            Employee objEmp;

            // if there is any objects in my collection
            if (objPool.Count>0)
                objEmp = (Employee)objPool.Dequeue();
                // return a new object
                objEmp = new Employee();
            return objEmp;

    class Employee
        public static int Counter = 0;
        public Employee()

        private string First_name;
        public string Firstname
                return First_name;
                First_name = value;

How to use this object Pool code:

Factory factory = new Factory();

    Employee myEmp_first = factory.GetEmployee();
    Console.WriteLine("First object");

    Employee myEmp_second = factory.GetEmployee();
    Console.WriteLine("Second object")

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